Monday, March 30, 2020

Writing Tutors in Tucson

Writing Tutors in TucsonThere are many writing tutors and workshops available in Tucson, Arizona. Writing courses are all over the place - they offer all kinds of things. If you are unsure what you want to write about, it is a good idea to find out what writing tutors in Tucson teach.People of all ages, from young children to old folks, write for many different reasons. Sometimes it is to write something they really want to say, other times to write something fun, or just to work on their English skills. For example, if you are young and have not been able to write much, tutoring might be an excellent way to kick start your writing.Tutoring is a good option for people who are struggling to learn how to write. But if you need to learn how to write by others, it might be time to find some alternative options. That is where online tutoring programs come in.The Internet is a great place to find tutors in Tucson, because there are so many available resources. There are professional writin g instructors, as well as programs that offer tutoring with no charge. Online tutoring can help individuals of all ages learn how to properly use the English language, as well as develop strong writing skills.Online tutoring isn't just for adults either. Many children, teens, and even adults are learning English online, and that is a great benefit to everyone. Some people do not want to read books, they want to read and learn at the same time.Tutoring is also something that can be used by individuals that cannot make it to a physical studio. Not all are comfortable writing on paper, or perhaps don't know how to take care of a pen and paper. Online tutoring can be used for both of these issues.Online tutoring can even be used to help someone improve their writing skills. This is true for all people, but particularly true for people who need to learn how to write well. Because you will receive feedback from an instructor, and also because you will be able to get feedback from others w hile you are writing, it is a great way to make sure you are being honest and sincere.Tutoring in Tucson is something that can benefit everyone. You can choose from a variety of styles, so you can pick the one that works best for you. No matter how you look at it, you will definitely enjoy your writing lessons in Tucson.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Proven 5-Step Formula for Masterful Reading in a Second Language

The Proven 5-Step Formula for Masterful Reading in a Second Language The Proven 5-Step Formula for Masterful Reading in a Second Language How do you approach reading in your target language?If you’re anything like me, up until now it’s all been a bit haphazard.You’ve heard that reading is a great way to improve your vocabulary. You think you should really create a daily reading habit. You know you should match reading material to your level.But which books should you be reading? How do you know if a text  matches your reading level?Luckily, help is at hand for “readers without a plan” like you and me. Researchers focused on second language learning have come up with some great ways to improve your reading skills.Yep, you heard me right. There’s a whole load of researchers out there finding the best techniques for you to become a better language learner. The Proven 5-Step Formula for Masterful Reading in a Second LanguageReading in your second language can be as fun or as challenging as you want to make it. However, one thing that it isn’t is effortless.You have to put in some work to get the most out of reading…but, boy, is it worth it when you do!Grab yourself a book!Lets say youve found something in your target language that you think you might want to read.Now what?Whether it’s a book, a short story, an article or just the back of a cereal box, follow these 5 easy steps and you can’t go wrong.1. Match Your Reading Level with This Powerful Technique.First, you need to make sure that the chosen text matches your reading level.“Yeah, right,” I hear you say. “People always say match your level. But how do I do that?”Well, it’s actually pretty simple.Language researchers have shown that you need to understand at least 95% to 98% of the words on a page to read it comfortably. They call this a “lexical comprehension level,” but you can call it whatever you like.How to calculate your comprehension levelSo, pick up your book now and read through one page.You should count:1. The total number of words on the page (we’ll call this “TotalWords”) 2. The number of wo rds you don’t understand (“UnknownWords”)Heres an example of what this might look like:TotalWords = 250 UnknownWords = 10Now, jump over to the percentage calculator and enter your numbers in the second row like this:“UnknownWords” is what percent of “TotalWords”?Now, hit that big Calculate button! For example, I filled out the calculator so it looked like the following line:10 is what percent of 250 ?Answer: 4%That means that I didn’t understand 4% of the words on the page, but did I understand 96% of the words (to calculate that, just subtract the number from 100).Is the book too hard for me?Here’s a little table which lets you know how difficult you’ll find the text based on all the numbers introduced above.% words you understood% unknown wordsExample (250 words per page)How hard will it be to read?less than 90%more than 10%more than 25 unknown wordsThis will be very difficult. Try something easier and come back to this later.90 to 95%5 to 10%13 to 25 unknown w ordsThis will be quite difficult, and you’ll have to use a dictionary quite a lot. Try using the “reading for challenge” tips later in this post.95 to 98%2 to 5%5 to 12 unknown wordsThis will be challenging at times, and you may need a dictionary. Reading at this level will be great for your language learning!over 98%less than 2%fewer than 5 unknown wordsThis is a good level to read at. You’ll enjoy it and still be learning new words, often using context to figure out their meanings (see below for how to do this).I was once told by a language teacher “if you don’t understand more than 10 words on a page, then you won’t enjoy the book.” Turns out she was right!2. Choose Between These 2 Types of Reading Material.Now that you’ve calculated the reading difficulty of your chosen text, its time to decide if you really want to read it.You need to ask yourself: Why do I want to read this?There are many reasons why you might want to read something, but there are 2 basic typ es of second language reading material:1. Reading for fun. 2. Reading to challenge and develop your reading levelResearchers call these extensive and intensive reading, respectively, and we’ve introduced the benefits of both  before.It’s important to remember that it’s best to vary what you read. Sometimes read for fun, sometimes give yourself a challenge.Each  type requires a different approach.3. Follow These 4 Rules When Reading for Fun.Just like when you’re reading in your native language, reading for fun (extensive reading) in a second language is all about enjoying the story.To maximize fun and learning while reading for fun, just follow these 4 simple rules:1. Pick a book where you can understand around 98% of the words (or more).Research shows that extensive reading is most effective when you start by reading a lot of easier books.Now isnt the time to challenge yourself. The first book I ever tried to read in Spanish was by Schopenhauer (the philosopher). That wasnt a good idea! I couldn’t understand most of the words on the page and it totally discouraged me from reading at all.Don’t make my mistake. Match your level (see step 1 above).Sometimes you can find simplified versions of more classical books. These can be really good options if you’re not ready for the original versions yet, but still want to dabble in more complex texts.2. Treat yourself. Read something you enjoy.Fun reading should be fun! Duh.If you like cheesy romance novels or popular page-turners in your native language then read these in your second language too. Nobody’s judging you (honest).You could even find a translation of one of your favorite books. This has some  added benefits: you’re already familiar with the author’s voice and the storys plot, so youll understand more of the text.3. Limit your look up words.One of the quickest ways to lose interest in any reading is to look up every word you don’t know. Give the dictionary a rest and limit yourself to r esearching 2 or 3 words per page. Beyond that, just ignore that unknown word, take your best guess from the context and look it up later if the word appears again.An e-book reader with an added dictionary makes looking up words faster but, even so, stick to only 2 or 3 words per page max.4. Reward yourself for finishingThere’s nothing better than finishing your first book in a foreign language! Well, finishing the second one feels pretty good too. Give yourself a big pat on the back and go and buy yourself something nice. A new book perhaps?4. Use This 6-Strategy Toolkit for Intensive Reading.The other type of reading is to read for challenge (intensive reading).This is where “reading strategies” come in. This basically just means that you have some sort of plan to read the text in an interactive way.Researchers have identified a whole load of great reading strategies that foreign language readers can use to boost their second language reading skills.Here are some helpful read ing strategies which you can start using right now:Pre-reading strategiesUse these before you read to improve your understanding of the text and get more involved.1. Write your background knowledge on Post-it notesBefore you start reading, write down what you think you already know about the text (in your target language preferably).Maybe you’re reading an article about French wine. On different Post-it notes, write what you think you already know about the country, culture and anything else related to the topic.2. Ask yourself questions about the textIn your target language, write down some questions for yourself about the topic and try predict what the answers will be before you start reading.Try to identify what you think the main ideas or concepts of the text will be. Make predictions about what the important details might be. Read the questions aloud to yourself.  After you’ve finished reading you can come back to these questions and describe how your answers have changed n ow that you’ve read the text.Reading strategiesThese let you get interactive with the text, making you really think about what it says.3.  Annotate the textYou know how your parents always forbid you to write in books?I’m giving you permission to ignore their rules. Annotating books is a great way to become an active reader.There are many things you can annotate in a text. A few examples are:a. Identify the author’s main points. Do this by underlining the key sentences, phrases or conclusions. Try paraphrasing the points and noting where evidence is used to back them up.b. Mark passages which are unclear with a question mark (?). Note what you don’t understand.c. Note how you react to the text. Write an exclamation mark (!) near passages you react strongly to and describe your objection, agreement or interest on a Post-it note.Come up with your own annotation system. There are endless possibilities!4. Guess the word meaning from contextAll too often we reach for the dictiona ry before we try to work out what the word means from the context.Look for clues about what the word might mean from the words around it. Take your best guess. If you feel reasonably confident with your guess then you can just keep reading and look it up again later.  Even if you get the definition wrong, don’t worry. Psychologists have found that the process of trying to remember  a word will improve your ability to remember the real definition later, even if you had to look it up!Post-reading strategiesAfter reading, these strategies help to cement what youve learned into your brain  by  making you actively reflect on the reading materials content.5. Write a summary of the textThis lets you find out how much you’ve understood from the text and what might benefit revision. Summarise the main points of the text and also how you reacted to them.Sites like Goodreads are great for this. They allow you to post online reviews (in whatever language you like) and also read reviews of o thers.6. Talk to people about the bookWell, why  do you want to learn a language? Dont you want to learn how to speak with people?Reading can be a very social activityâ€"just think how popular book clubs are. Take any chance you can to talk about what you’ve read with other people. Itll improve your understanding of the text and can also be the start of great conversations.5. Give Yourself a Break  and Beat Reading Anxiety.Finally, the most important detail. Dont  get stressed out when reading in a foreign language.Believe me, I know what it’s like to throw down a book in frustration because I can’t understand enough of the language. It can be really demotivating and makes you feel like you’ll never be good at the language. On the other hand, successfully reading a book in a second language can be one of the most rewarding feelings.Although reading might seem like a low-stress activity, “foreign reading anxiety” is a real thing (there are studies on it!).The remedy is pr etty simple. When reading starts to make you anxious, stop, breathe and take a break. If you try to keep reading, your anxious brain will understand even less of the text, which will just make things worse.Above all, start enjoying reading in your second language and you’ll be hooked on it forever!

Choosing The Best Kids Tutoring Program

Choosing The Best Kids Tutoring ProgramKids tutoring is one of the most popular and accessible areas in the world. All you need to do is look at your favorite city or your school's website. I know we can really use the help with things that are beyond our child's comprehension. Kids tutoring programs make it possible for us to play their little minds.One great part about kids tutoring is that they can be given tutoring by anybody. This means that even people who don't have kids of their own can provide kids tutoring to children. You can even send them your child's tutoring assignments when you don't have a kid of your own.There are a lot of different curriculums that you can choose from, too. You can find tutoring in various subject areas including math, science, social studies, language arts, and more. You can even take your child to private tutoring sessions and find the best one based on your needs.Most parents don't realize just how much there is to choose from when it comes to c hildren tutoring. You can find tutoring at practically any age; from babies to toddlers. You can also find private tutoring sessions, for those parents who are good at keeping track of what their child is learning.Many parents may be intimidated by this idea, but there are actually many professionals that can come in to tutor your child as well. You can choose to have a private tutor, an outside tutor, or even a language tutor. Either way, having a good adult around can really benefit your child and the overall education.You should also consider the quality of your child's teacher. A good tutor will want to spend lots of time teaching your child to read, write, and learn to speak, while also making sure that he/she isgetting all the individual attention. It is important to find a tutor that is good at what they do, and has enough time to make sure that your child is getting everything they need.Now that you know there are so many available sites for tutoring your child, there are pl enty of places to find the best tutors. From the internet to your local community college, you can find the best tutors for your child's learning style.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Math Tutor Jobs - Check Out Your Career Opportunities Before You Apply

Math Tutor Jobs - Check Out Your Career Opportunities Before You ApplyAs a calculus, algebra and math tutor you need to check your career possibilities before making your move. There are plenty of jobs in this field but before you start looking for them, you should first understand the type of learning environment that you can provide.For example, calculus, algebra and math tutor jobs require the person to be familiar with the subject of calculus. If you are not sure whether you are up to it, the best way to answer this question is to check out your local college and see if there are any calculus, algebra and math tutor jobs at the college.There are different colleges that offer different types of math tutor jobs. For example, the University of Oklahoma Math tutors work in the middle school and high school math departments as well as with undergraduate courses. This includes those who provide tutoring services in the junior, senior and undergraduate levels.If you are interested in ma th tutoring, the best way to learn how to become a math tutor is to enroll in an academic setting, whether the course will be online or at a college or university. This will equip you with all the skills and knowledge required to become a math tutor.In addition to being a math tutor, you can also become an algebra tutor and earn money from tutoring. This job also requires a solid math background and some algebra experience.It is important to note that calculus, algebra and math tutor jobs are not exclusive to those who hold degrees. If you are a high school student who wants to take the next step towards a job in math tutoring, you can enroll in an adult education program in which you will be able to earn a high school diploma in math and calculus, even if you have never taken a college-level course.It is also important to note that calculus, algebra and math tutor jobs are available in almost every region of the country. So if you are interested in getting into a position that will allow you to meet your personal goals and go on to bigger opportunities, make sure you check out your local area and see if there are calculus, algebra and math tutor jobs available in your city.

Get Clarity and Watch How Great Things Start Happening In Your Life - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Get Clarity and Watch How Great Things Start Happening In Your Life - Introvert Whisperer Get Clarity and Watch How Great Things Start Happening In Your Life Clarity.   I’ve come to a place where I believe clarity is THE most needed thing for us and yet it seems to be elusive and undervalued.   Let me set the stage today with this quote. “When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent you are clear.”Janet Chris Attwood I see a lack of clarity the most with job seekers.   They may not want to pursue the type of job they just held but are unclear (or fearful) of pursuing what they really want to do.   The result is a prolonged job search marked with uninteresting job interviews, disappointing pay and relief when the undesirable job isn’t offered. However, lack of clarity shows up everywhere in all sorts of ways.   It’s hard to have great things show up in your life if you don’t know what you really want.   I’m reading a book right now from a very famous speaker/author.   She said she has loads of people want to know what it takes to get the kind of platform she has.   The only problem is when she asks them what kind of message they intend to share if they took center stage â€" they haven’t got a clue.   Once again, lack of clarity. You hear me often talk about goals and how important they are, especially in your career.   I think the primary benefit you get from making goals is to clarify what you want to accomplish in your life.   Goals demand clarity because a goal requires you to be specific about a demonstrable result with a specific time. Where are things unclear in your life?   Take steps today to gain the clarity you need for the important things you want or need in your life.   If you aren’t getting the results you want or it’s taking too long, it may be an indicator that you need to get clear. And if you’re wondering what it takes to get clear, it won’t happen without action from you.   You may need to research or talk to others but it won’t drop out of the sky like a lightning bolt.   You’re worth the effort. Get clear.   You’ll love the results. Go to top Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.  I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.  In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression. Get your copy now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

A Last-Minute Checklist for AMCAS Submission

A Last-Minute Checklist for AMCAS Submission Its that time of year again. AMCAS, or the American Medical College Application Service, is now open to submissions. It can be overwhelming to compile an application worthy of admission to a medical school, and small (but still important) details can thus fall through the cracks. However, there are several steps you can take to avoid this dilemma. You can download the official AMCAS Instruction Manual. You can also follow AMCAS on Twitter to learn of real-time issues with the submission system. Perhaps most importantly, you can refer to a last-minute checklist for AMCAS submission as you finalize your application, which can help you: Organize the last days of your submission process Catch potentially disastrous mistakes Respond when something goes unexpectedly wrong By June 1, 2017 (or the date that AMCAS opens to submissions in future years), you will have likely completed each of the nine sections on the applicationif you have not, finish that important step now and return to this checklist after! [RELATED: How to Improve Your Med School Application] You may have heard that it doesnt matter when you submit so long as your AMCAS application is complete by a schools deadline. Dont allow this to put you at ease. Instead, think about it this waywhen you visit a doctors office, you would prefer the physician to see you sooner, rather than later. Promptness speaks to your level of professionalism. It might not be specifically required, but its an unsaid expectation. The best rule of thumb is to submit your application as soon as you can without compromising the quality of your admissions portfolio. Checklist for AMCAS submission So how can you ensure that youve struck the appropriate balance between timeliness and quality? Use this last-minute checklist for AMCAS submission. 1. Verify your personal information, including contact details. Have you accurately listed your address? Have you specified a telephone number that you can be reached at, no matter the time? Is your email address one that you will check constantly? In short, if a medical school wishes to contact you, will they be able to? 2. Double-check your transcripts. Transcripts are one of the primary reasons for AMCAS application delays. It is your responsibility to send transcript request forms to your institution(s), and to ensure that an official transcript has been submitted via physical mail or a secure AMCAS file transfer. Schools cannot email transcripts to AMCAS. Reapplicants must also resubmit official transcripts. 3. Review your coursework. Like transcripts, incorrectly recorded classwork is a significant source of delays. Each entry should include the courses name and number, as well as credit hours (if applicable) and grade. You will also be asked to classify your coursework. This section will be compared to your official transcripts, so take precautions to avoid erroneously entering an incorrect grade or class number. Remember that even repeated coursework is included! 4. Double-check that you have created AMCAS entries for your letters of evaluation. If you havent received all of your letters, politely remind your writers. Note, too, that youre responsible for selecting which medical schools receive which letters. Recheck your choices, and verify that all programs are assigned the proper letters of evaluation. 5. Check your MCAT scores. Are your results accurate? [RELATED: What is an Average MCAT Score?] A final word about AMCAS submission Your last-minute checklist for AMCAS submission should include a critical final stepa thorough proofreading. Is your personal statement free of errors? Have you clearly and concisely completed the Work and Activities section? This portion can provide just as much insight as your essay. Once you have submitted your application, it is finally time to relaxand to begin preparing for interviews! Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Learn Music Theory Online

Learn Music Theory Online How Can You Take Music Theory Lessons on the Internet? ChaptersSites for When You Start Learning About Music TheoryOther Sites for Learning Music Theory“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” - Plato.Music has had a profound effect on human history. You'll agree that it's almost impossible to find somebody on this planet who doesn't like music and even harder to find someone who never listens to music!Humans just love music because there's music for every occasion. Whether you're happy or sad, you can always put a song on.But what about playing music? It turns out that we love that, too! There are so many people who play musical instruments or like to sing.It’s also well known that being able to play a musical instrument can make you happier and more creative. Learning to play an instrument and sing can make you more relaxed, too.As Louise Vertigo, a singing teacher and vocal workshop presenter, says “It’s excellent star ting the day by singing.”Some people are gifted with a perfect ear and have an innate singing ability. Others have to learn to sing either by attending a music school, by getting private music tutorials at home, or by taking online singing lessons.  Every private music tutor will say that learning music has to start by studying music theory.You can’t learn to play piano or become a jazz singer without studying music theory. Most musicians need to know how to read music for sight reading. In music, if you don't know the difference between the bass clef and the treble clef, you'll never play the right notes.In music, the pauses are as important as the notes you play. (Source: you ever tried singing lessons? Even the most gifted self-taught musicians need to work, learn, practice and perfect their gifts.  There’s just one problem: Learning to sing with a private music tutor can be expensive!However, aspiring singers who don’t have the means can learn to read mu sic and music theory online at their own pace. That's why we’re going to look at the best sites offering music theory lessons for every level and all ages in this article. TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsSites for When You Start Learning About Music TheoryLearning music from a young age can positively affect a child’s brain in the long term and it's been shown that neuroplasticity is greater in children who learn to read music or play the piano.  With that in mind (no pun intended), here are some great sites for teaching children about reading music.Your child could become a musical genius with music theory tutorials. (Source: Learning CommunityThis is a website aimed at teaching children classical music theory in a fun and interesting way.There are plenty of games for younger learners to discover music theory while they have fun. It’s also a useful resource for teachers looking for something fun to do with their students.  While this site isn’t free, you can get a family subscription for as little as $7.95 per month (around £6).If you opt for a yearly subscription, you’ll only end up paying for the equivalent of 10 months.However, before you open your wallet, there are some free games and activities to try before you start paying your subscription. There’s also a free trial available if you’re still unsure.It’s a great way for kids to learn about the breve, semibreve, minim, crotchet, and quaver. This will also help them to sing better as they’ll better understand the written music in front of them.Living in South England, check out  singing lessons Brighton.Hello KidsThis is a site dedicated to children and learning. It includes fun music lessons for younger learners.  Furthermore, children can learn about the value of music notes as well as the names of the notes: DO, RÉ, MI, FA, SOL, LA, SI.We recommend that you sing the notes you see on the sheet music. This is a great way to practise music theory since it can train your ear and help you later on when you start improvising or creating your own music.Learning to read music is done by establishing the relationship between each of the seven notes and the corresponding names of them.MetronimoMetronimo is a site with a number of educational apps for learning music theory, learning to play the piano, and learning about musical instruments and classical composers.Your children won't sing perfect ly in the beginning. Give them some time. (Source: the site is aimed at children, it’s useful for any beginner regardless of their age.  You can download the music theory programmes for free, too.  They’ll help you to learn how to read musical notes in a range of different keys as well as the names of the different note: breve, semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver, etc.Check out singing lessons all over the UK.To learn keys, for example, the notes are represented by the ghosts from Pacman with four different levels of difficulty.  This can help you to remember the different notes while stimulating your visual memory before they’re eaten by Pacman!Are these music theory games too easy?  You can make things more difficult by singing the notes on the page or by playing them and testing your ear.Other Sites for Learning Music TheoryAre you bored of karaoke videos? Are karaoke apps just not cutting it? Would you like to start learning to sing seriously?Singing makes use of an instrument unlike any other, one that requires impeccable technique and a good knowledge of music theory.If you want to be able to sing, play the guitar, piano, violin, etc. you need to be able to read sheet music, understand the notes, chords, harmonies, and work on your voice to make sure you don’t hit any wrong notes.Do you dream of singing in a band? (Source: Thibault Trillet)Learning to read sheet music requires that you have a good understanding of music theory, can keep time, and reproduce the written music on your instrument of choice, including your voice. The sheet music tells you explicitly how to play the music.It’s almost impossible to become a singer or musician if you’ve never learnt anything about music theory or about the different scales: majors, minors, etc.Fortunately, thanks to the internet, there are plenty of resources on music theory.MusicTheory.netWhile music theory isn’t obligatory, it’s highly recommended for anyone wanting to learn an instrument or how to sing.Thus, the site is somewhere you should consider visiting.With plenty of different useful resources, the site also has accompanying apps if you’d like to take your lessons everywhere with you. Lessons include:The names of the notes and their position on a pianoIntervalsThe duration of notes (whole note, half note, quarter note, etc.)All manner of musical notationRanges of voices: soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass.How to read sheet music.How to read different keys.Finally, the main advantage of this site is the huge variety of different resources available and the crisp and clean presentation of the information on it.If you want to become a professional musician, you need to read sheet music like you'd read a book. (Source: site (which was formerly known as eMusicTheory) includes a plethora of music theory resources for both students and teachers.  It has tonnes of resources on music theory includ ing note names, interval identification, chord building, key signatures, etc.It also includes resources for those learning to play the piano or the guitar as well as exercises for training you ear. There’s a 30 day free trial if you’re not sure. Since the site focuses on teaching music theory, it’s a little pricey for individual students.The subscriptions are as follows:$19 per month (up to 25 students)$39 per month (up to 75 students)$59 per month (up to 150 students)One Minute Music LessonThis is one of the best resources for learning more about music theory. There are lessons on:Musical notationRhythm and TempoDifferent keysTraining your earMusic quizzesThe exercises on One Minute Music Lesson are perfect for absolute beginners wanting to start learning more about music theory and all the different notes, keys, etc.  As the name obviously suggests, these lessons are short. However, that doesn’t mean they’re limited.Music theory can help bring together all the methods an d techniques you've learnt in order to compose beautiful music. (Source:íaThis site includes varied resources on music theory and tutorials.  You can’t start singing an opera like Pavarotti if the word “sharp” makes you think of knives rather than semitones.This site includes plenty of tutorials, exercises, and articles on music theory and how to better understand it. There are also plenty of tutorials on reading sheet music, the different elements of music notation, and lessons on elements of music theory such as:Beat and measuresTime signatureNote valueKey signaturesHarmonic functionsTransposing instrumentsGood luck! While music theory is sometimes a bit off-putting, in a few months, you’ll know everything you need to know in order to compose your own music.You should also check out the best tools for recording your voice.